Upton Victory Hall Lawn Tennis Club Wirral News story

Upton Mixed Doubles Tournament 2017 and Summer Time Slam

21 Jun 2017

Hi all, 

I bet you were all thinking 'Finals Day has finished, we won't be hearing from that big lad for while!' Well you were wrong! I've got loooooads to tell you all, so keep reading!!!

Upton Mixed Doubles Grass Tournament

We will be hosting a Mixed Doubles Grass Court tournament on Sunday 30th July, which will be open to all clubs on the Wirral to enter mixed doubles pairings, including Upton! The poster is attached and hopefully you will see them around on your travels. The bar will be open and the BBQ will be on so even if you don't fancy 'buddying' up with  your Tuesday night partner or the new friend you made at the Spanish social, please come down and support what promises to be a great day for the club! Even still, it would be great to have a big home presence in the tournament (it helps with advertising) so we would like as many of you to enter as we can. Also, any Upton entry will be charged the discounted price of £5 per pair rather than £10! I KNOW, WHAT A BARGAIN THAT IS! We've got to do something to attract the reigning Mixed Doubles Champions to play *cough* Mike & Sally *cough*....

Summer Time Slam

Now, this is the really fun one! 

If you were at Finals Day on Saturday, you'll have heard about this already however, following on from our successful ladies tournament, we will be holding the Summer Time Slam on the Grass. Our aim is for this to be a festival of all forms of tennis, so we will have one court with wooden rackets, one court being used for tennis as we know it now, one court with two touchtennis courts marked out and one court for tennis of the future - basically normal tennis but the potential new rules in force! It's not a serious tournament, its going to be good fun with FUN being the main theme for the day. 

Whilst it is completely up to yourselves,we think it would be amazing if everyone could dress up as your favourite tennis player for this tournament! So whether you cut your sleeves off to become old school Nadal, get out your long trousers to become Fred Perry or decide to be as stylish as the Williams sisters we look forward to seeing what you all come as! 

If you're interested in playing, please let me know with the below contact details. Knowing this fully falls within holiday time, we are planning to hold this tournament on the weekend of 8th/9th July, ideally being the Saturday. So if you could let me know what day is preferable, we could perhaps make an informed decision on the which day is best to go ahead with. 

Handicap Sign Up Sheets

Handicap sign up sheets are up!! So if you can't get down to the club between now and August but want to get your name down for the tournaments, please let me know and I will pop you on! 

If you have any any questions regarding the above, as always, please contact me by email (mcgarry.adam94@gmail.com) or by phone (07539394899). 


See you all soon!! 

